Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jeans Day Results!!!

Well, we had our big Jeans Day fundraiser at our store, and we did very well!
It was a windy day and that wind got so cold, after 12 hours of bearing it, but it was well worth it.
I had so many wonderful volunteers and people who helped out.

Thanks to the following people:

the staff at our store, for working hard selling the buttons, donating their tips on April 29th, and decorating the store,
Marilyn for handling Twitter for me,
Keziah, Deb, and Anthea for face painting,
Kelly, Laura, Michelle & Jamie, Rebekkah & Melony, Willow, Anthea, and the others who sat at the table and helped to hold things down while I was busy,
Westshore Town Centre, for having a Winner's gift certificate made up for our raffle, and photocopying our posters for free,
all of the places that let us put up our posters,
the people who paused to donate, especially the ones who chose to donate larger amounts - thank you so much!
the people who donated jeans for us to use for decorating,
the Buck or Two for the helium, Starbucks for the coffee service, and Canadian Tire for the table,
the businesses who donated raffle prizes (Chocolat Au Lait Cafe, Starbucks, Quiznos, Sarpino's, Buck or Two, and Cobs Bakery),
BCCHF for making it so easy to organize this fundraiser,
to all of our friends, family, and everyone else who donated,
and anyone else who I forgot to mention.

Congratulations to the winners of the raffle gift baskets we put together!

It was a very successful fundraiser, especially for my first one!

And now, I know you are wondering how much we raised, right?

We raised....................

Wait for it........


It was so nice to hand over that money to the BC Children's Hospital Foundation and know that we helped out.
I asked Jaymi what she would do with the money if she were in charge, at the hospital.
She said she would buy a bunch of toys for the hospital (for the kids to play with), and some IVs.

Thanks everyone!

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