Jaymi has been counting down the days until Halloween, for the past week. Finally, the day arrived.
She has been talking about being a fairy for Halloween, until it got to her birthday party (where we had a fairy theme, and she dressed up as a fairy) and she realized that it might be a bit cold. She changed her mind, and decided to be a turtle, which was last year's costume, and a lot warmer.
Then, Gramma gave her a new fairy costume for her birthday, and it is a velour, long-sleeved costume. So, paired with leggings and gloves, even though it was a bit cold, she was okay to be a fairy.
Not only does she have a new fairy costume, but it lights up as well. And it's a Tinkerbell costume, which is one of her favourite fairies.
Halloween was fun. Lots of trick-or-treating, at the mall first and then from house to house. Then over to a local fire hall for the bonfire and hot chocolate and hot dogs.
On the way home, Mark playfully suggested that she could trade all of her Halloween candy for a stuffie, and she didn't even hesitate!
We ended up letting her keep 3 items from her stash. She chose 1 lollipop, 1 little Kit-Kat bar, and 1 pumpkin sticker. She traded the rest for a Lil' Kinz husky.

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