She is also quite knowledgeable about photography, for a 12-yr-old. Here is a shot of her behind the camera, for a change.

I love this shot of her hair!

I liked this photo because it is so natural - taken in between posed shots, while she was laughing.

You have to click on this one to see it large! I was playing around with it, in photoshop, selectively colouring Hannah and keeping the rest black & white.

these are great! Thanks for having such fun with Hannah. she is richly blessed to have a friend and mentor like you Shereen!! i think i might make her a photo album as a suprise from your photos if that's okay.
I really love the angle that you got with Hanna on the ladder of the train car.
She was wonderful to take pictures of! I enjoyed the day a lot. Leslie was telling me today that her daughter would of liked to come. SO...perhaps we can do another shoot soon. Maybe in the leaves... or?
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