We started Saturday morning off with her weekly ballet lesson, and then off to Michael's for a very cool science craft - making a molecule (Jaymi chose a water molecule). So, Jaymi learned what a molecule is, and that a water molecule is made of 2 hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom.
Next, was a fantastic grocery errand run. I gave Jaymi a bit of freedom at the grocery store, by providing her with a list of 5 things to find in the store, and her own rolling basket. She had to find the correct items and put them in the cart. She also had to find the items with the best prices. She did awesome. Although, I had to correct her when she put about 15 green apples in her cart, instead of what my list said - "a bag of red apples". So, she had to return all of the apples, one by one, and get a bag of red apples.
After that, a playdate with a friend - which always means lots of hide-and-seek and pretend play.
And for dinner that evening...what we call a scavenger hunt dinner. That is, whatever we can find to eat, as long as it's a balance dinner.
Today (Sunday), we started off our morning with a Thinking Day 'parade' and mass at a local church, with a group of Guiding girls and Scouts too. Jaymi was chosen to wear a 'heritage uniform' from 1940. It was so cute!

After that, we were at home for a bit, and Jaymi got involved in her own ideas - making one of her fairy books come alive. "Emily the Emerald Fairy" is a favourite fairy book of hers, and she reinacted the story, complete with paper goblins that she made, a paper Jack Frost, a paper emerald that she had to 'find', and she even wore all green, so that she could 'be' Emily.

It says, "Whoever likes this, please put a quarter in this box".
Sadly, she didn't get any quarters.

I also taught Jaymi how to clean her toilet. I have recently made a new rule, in resonse to her toilet rarely being flushed. She is pretty forgetful about that lately. So, I told her that if she forgets to flush it, she will clean the toilet and the sink by herself. It went well today - she forget yesterday, so I told her that today she would be cleaning it. I talked her through it and she did fantastic.
We spent a few hours watching the awesome Olympic hockey game between the U.S. and Canada today. It was so great, watching it with her.
We discussed so many things, like how a hockey game works, penalties, power plays, overtime, how the medal ceremony works, anthems, sportsmanship, etc..
It was so exciting watching the game, and especially watching Jaymi get so excited about it. She was cheering so hard for Canada!
And it was a nice surprise to hear her sing Oh Canada word for word, by memory, during the medal ceremony. I didn't realize that she knew the whole song that well.

It was Mark's birthday today, so after the game, we took him to Dairy Queen to pick out his favourite kind of birthday cake - an ice-cream cake.
Jaymi chose the colour of icing for the writing - pink, of course. ;)

We ended our night by watching some more Olympics - the Closing Ceremonies.
We were all so proud to be Canadian in these past two weeks, and watching those ceremonies was fantastic! I especially loved all of the humour in the presentations.
My favourite parts were:
- laughing at ourselves about the malfunction with the hydraulics (at Opening Ceremonies) and having that final torch finally lit properly
-the wonderful comedic speeches near the end, by William Shatner, Michael J. Fox, and Katherine ... oh, I can't remember her last name - oops.
-the 'iconic images of Canada' - they were great - Mounties, hockey players, table hockey, maple leaves, the beaver & moose, etc.
-Michael J. Fox saying "our country is our home and now it is your home too" - something you wouldn't hear other countries say, would you?
-the song "The Maple Leaf Forever"
-Michael Buble - he was excellent.
-and of course, the rankings. Wow! Gold in men's hockey AND women's hockey, the most gold medals in ANY Winter Games, and the most gold medals for a host country ever to get!
I am so proud to be Canadian today!